All Grand Champion Market projects will be sold first, followed by all Reserve Champion Market projects. All Blue Ribbon Market projects will be sold by species placings. The last item of the Sale will be a quilt, if available, made and donated to the Show (proceeds will be divided 1/2 to NCJLS General Scholarship Fund and 1/2 to Homemaking Scholarship).
2025 Lambs, Swine, Broilers, Turkeys, Rabbits, Goats, Steers
2026 Steers, Lambs, Swine, Broilers, Turkeys, Rabbits, Goats
2027 Goats, Steers, Lambs, Swine, Broilers, Turkeys, Rabbits, Goats*Proceeds for the sale of the Grand & Reserve Carcass Steer will be donated to the NCJLS General Scholarship Fund.