The Nueces County Junior Livestock Show has been a HUGE part of developing young lives that have gone on to be outstanding adults in our community. We are developing leaders for the future.
Our mission statement is “To promote responsibility and leadership skills through the education work of 4-H Clubs, FCCLA and FFA Chapters in cooperation with the adult leaders of Nueces County in all phases of agriculture, homemaking and industry.”
In 1936 our show started as a small gathering of individuals on Main Street in Robstown, each sharing a love for youth and agriculture. Today, we involve over 1,400 youth participating in over 4,900 projects.
We are the largest county junior livestock show in Texas! Last year our businesses and supporters provided a sale venue to 757 exhibitors that far exceeded $1.9 million dollars. This total comes with each exhibitor selling only one project.
The show runs almost completely on volunteers who give countless hours toward making this event the success it has been for 83 years. It could not exist without the cooperative efforts of the community support, countless volunteers, dedicated club managers and AST/FCCLA leaders, but especially the dedicated young people who work diligently each year to provide a quality project to exhibit in the Nueces County Junior Livestock Show.
The Nueces County Junior Livestokc Show is an exempt non-profit organization as described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN# 23-7333354.